

Academic coaches facilitate student success through self-understanding and the development of executive functioning and self-management skills, including planning, prioritizing, time management, and organization.

Why Hire an Academic Support Coach?
  • Academic Support Coaches focus on helping students manage and navigate their school life.
  • Academic Support Coaches go beyond the instruction and guided practice in specific subjects as found in professional tutors.
  • Academic Support Coaches are trained and experienced in both learning theory and coaching skills.
Why Hire an Academic Support Coach?
College Level Services Include:
  • Guiding students learn strategies to overcome procrastination
  • Coaching that focuses on the development of executive function (EF) skills as they apply to school life
  • Hands-on direction with projects and assignments to ensure timely submission and completion
Have Questions? Don’t Hesitate To Ask

Our professional staff are here to help ensure that you and your student have the information and guidance needed to enrich and enhance life experiences.

Contact Us Today 912-238-9552